A place to digress about issues that affect me or dont affect me-- doesn't matter so long my opinion is out there. if you like what you read feel free to contribute. expletives will be deleted. if you feel the need to insult go elsewhere

Monday 11 April 2011

Just Enough

This was written by one of my Facebook young friends (hilarious and educative enjoy)

I have never been one to express my feelings online but lets face it Facebook does need a little openness. This is my first note in a long time and I find it appropriate to start with a brief description of me.
For those that don’t know me…number 1…I’m not a NICE guy *pause* AWESOME? :-0  Definitely! It was never always like this, I was brought up a humble kid from Ndola, always topped my primary school classes and had more girls for friends than guys but still did all necessary boyhood activities; biking, soccer,fishing,chess etc
High School was the worst time of my life. Mpelembe Secondary School was never the best educational institution for me and not getting a single good report card in 5 years proves my point. This was the only place where the evolutionary clock seemed to tick backwards. Passed my grade 9 and both my Cambridge and ECZ ‘O’ Levels so I’m Good! *smirk*.I kept a VERY low profile but to say I was never in the lime light at this school would be a lie; Break dancing career, Best Chess player and Chess Captain ’07, Distinction in Australian Mathematics 2007 etc I was a smart kid that chose to be lazy.
For a Third Year Student studying Bachelor of Science in Architecture my University life is eventful, full of controversy and most importantly FUN. Great friends evenly matched with useless ‘adversaries’. On a sad note in my last Two Academic years I lost two Great friends; Jamal Nyoni and Andrew Kabaghe. Relax they are not dead…yet. And lets not forget my old friend George Kalenga who always had a mouthful to dish out and his blog (and my boredom) is my inspiration for writing this note.
Humor. I always have something funny to say, yes, even at funerals. It is for this reason that I have never known how to take bad news. This quality alone can get you far in life. You don’t believe me?  Ask Rowan Artkinson and Kat Williams. It’s my second most outstanding quality. My most outstanding quality is ‘Doing Enough’ and that’s the theme of this note.
Through out my life I have ‘done enough’ to survive and get what I want. Let me elaborate. At a party I always drink ‘enough’ to have a good time. I study ‘enough’ to make it to the next academic year. I do ‘enough’ to get with the hot chick I have been thinking about all week. Get the picture. I give my mother hell but just ‘enough’ for her to say I am a good son meaning the cops and runaway pregnant girls don’t come knocking at her door at awkward hours of the night. Mwaunfwa.
However, my most outstanding quality ironically is my weakest. If I had gone out of my way to improve, to strive to achieve more, and overall to be the best version of me instead of doing just ‘enough’, who knows the success I’d be enjoying right now. Definitely I wouldn’t have been carrying 2 courses this academic year and definitely Keri Hilson would be my Girlfriend lol.
Don’t be yourself. Want some good advice. Be the best version of yourself. And that my friend is my 2011 resolution. And that my friend is the end of this lengthy note. Read my next one, coming soon. 

Clean Underwear, Accidents, Searches

My mother never stressed enough the importance of clean underwear whenever my person was leaving home. She always insisted that if I had luggage, I pack only the clean and never worn underwear in case I needed to open my case in public or someone had to open it for some awkward reason.

She also preached that it was always possible a car could hit me and it was helpful if one wore clean underwear. Imagine paramedics patching you up only to be distracted by underwear that is almost falling apart at the seams with an elastic knot to make it tighter round the waste. Even if the pair of undergarments one is wearing are relatively in good shape its of utmost importance that they be clean. (Ever wonder why a strange whiff was flowing that smartly dressed woman or man around despite their immaculate outward appearance?) Believe me CLEAN underwear is a must. However for some individuals, its not changed enough. So don't be a social nuisance --change that underwear. When we run out of underwear at times we make do with the least offensive pair. This should never happen. If you only have one set of underwear, wash it at night and sleep commando. It will be dry by morning and you wont have to recycle and sniff for one that doest have skid marks lol. You may think you smell okay but believe me--things get rather sweaty and smelly by the end of the day.
This might sound extreme till you get to see what type of underwear people put on and hide in their drawers. Faded and discolored should head straight for the garbage dump or if like me you are superstitious..burn it so someone does steal it for purposes I don't want to delve in at this time.
I was raised with the rationale to always have a good set and a spare (for when am travelling).
So ladies and gentlemen, make sure you buy enough underwear and discard the no-elastic faded ones on a regular basis.
Buy something that wont give a wedgie and is Kindle 3G Wireless Reading Device, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl TechnologyHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1comfortable without making you look like a gran. Only grandmothers are allowed tow ear granny underwear.